You're used to speaking in tongues to feel like you're in control

the new dark age

Now you've got nowhere to run, nowhere to go


In the year 2087, the world as we knew it crumbled under a catastrophic event that history would come to know as the "Eclipse." It began with a series of violent solar flares, unlike anything humanity had ever witnessed. These flares wreaked havoc on a global scale, crippling technology with their electromagnetic pulse, casting major cities into darkness and chaos. But the solar flares were just the beginning. In the wake of this celestial onslaught, a mysterious pandemic emerged, spreading like wildfire across the already weakened populace. Some whispered it was a bioweapon gone rogue; others thought it was nature's cruel way of resetting the balance. Whatever its origin, the virus was relentless, and it reshaped humanity in ways both terrifying and unimaginable.

As society crumbled, governments and institutions fell like dominoes, unable to withstand the combined onslaught of the flares and the virus. The old world's order disintegrated, giving way to anarchy and fear. Amidst this chaos, the virus began to mutate its hosts, giving rise to a new breed of humans - altered, enhanced, sometimes monstrously so. These mutations varied wildly, some gaining unnatural strength or agility, while others suffered more grotesque transformations, becoming shadows of their former selves. This new reality birthed factions and societies among the ruins, each adapting to their mutated forms in unique ways.

The environment was not spared either. The solar flares and subsequent ecological disruptions triggered rapid changes in Earth's ecosystems. In some areas, flora and fauna mutated, creating bizarre and often dangerous new species. Forests overtook crumbling cities, becoming dense, wild places where the laws of nature ruled supreme. Deserts expanded, swallowing up towns and roads, while in some regions, the seas rose to claim coastal cities..

The world was now a place of endless night, where the remnants of humanity struggled to carve out a semblance of life amidst the ruins. Alliances were fragile, and trust was a rare commodity in a world where the only certainty was survival of the fittest. The old world was gone, and in its place, a darker, grittier reality had taken root.









At the heart of their origin lies a dark twist of fate. The very scientists who were closest to unraveling the secrets of the rumored bioweapon were among the first to be transformed by it. Exposed to the highest concentrations of the virus, they underwent the most profound mutations, becoming what are now known as the 'Ancients' - the oldest and most enigmatic of the Nightwalkers. These Ancients possess abilities far beyond those of their kin, with powers that border on the supernatural, and their appearance is as varied as it is terrifying.The Nightwalkers, as a faction, are bound by their need for sustenance that is all too human in origin. They prowl the night, driven by an insatiable hunger for human blood. This grim requirement has led them to carry out raids on human settlements, snatching unsuspecting individuals for their blood and sometimes, for labor. These raids are carried out with chilling efficiency, leaving communities in a perpetual state of fear. The kidnapped humans are brought back to the Nightwalkers' enclaves, where they are kept as a food source, and some are forced into servitude, laboring under the watchful eyes of their captors.

The virus is transmitted through the bloodstream, often through biting, in a manner eerily reminiscent of vampire lore. However, not all bitten turn into Nightwalkers. The virus seems to have a selective process, transforming some while leaving others as carriers or, in the worst cases, claiming their lives. This unpredictability adds to the horror surrounding these beings, as an encounter with them could mean transformation, enslavement, or death.Within their own society, the Nightwalkers are far from monolithic. They are divided into various factions and clans, each with their own territories, customs, and internal politics. The Ancients often hold positions of power, though not always directly. They are the strategists, the keepers of knowledge, and sometimes, the puppeteers, manipulating events from behind the scenes. The younger Nightwalkers, especially those who retain more of their human appearance and faculties, are often the ones interacting with the outside world, carrying out the will of their elders and ensuring the survival of their kind.

Types of Nightwalkers

The Eclipsed: These are the closest to what we might think of as traditional vampires. They retain much of their human appearance but have enhanced strength, speed, and agility. Their eyes are sensitive to light, necessitating nocturnal living. The Eclipsed are the most numerous and hold significant sway in Nightwalker society.The Shadowed: A step further in mutation, the Shadowed have started to show more monstrous traits. Their skin has taken on a pale, almost translucent quality, and their eyes have adapted to see in near-total darkness. They are more reclusive, often acting as scouts or spies for the Nightwalkers due to their enhanced stealth abilities.The Feral Ones: These Nightwalkers have undergone extreme mutations, losing much of their human appearance. They possess animalistic features like elongated limbs, claws, and heightened senses. While their intelligence is often intact, their appearance and behavior are more beast-like, making them feared even among their own kind.The Ancients: The oldest and most mysterious of the Nightwalkers, these individuals have been mutated to the point of being unrecognizable as human. They possess a variety of powerful abilities, including telekinesis and heightened regeneration. Their appearance varies wildly, from grotesque to almost angelic, but they are always awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Mutation Effects

- Physical Changes: The mutations range from subtle (like the Eclipsed) to extreme (like the Feral Ones and Ancients). Common traits include enhanced physical capabilities, heightened senses, and varying degrees of light sensitivity. Some show more drastic changes like altered limb structure, skin texture, or the growth of new appendages.- Psychological Changes: The Nightwalkers experience a range of psychological changes depending on their mutation. While some retain much of their human cognition and emotions, others might experience altered states of mind, increased aggression, or a shift in their perception of the world.- Societal Impact: The Nightwalkers, despite their differences, form a complex society. They are bound by a common understanding of their nature and the need to survive in a world that sees them as threats. Their society is hierarchical, with the less mutated often holding positions

dominion coalition

Comprising primarily of remnants from various military factions, law enforcement officers, and a few strategic political figures, the Coalition sought to restore order in a world that had seemingly lost it all. Their methods, however, were far from the democratic ideals of the old world; they were founded on the principles of absolute authority, strict discipline, and ruthless efficiency.The Coalition’s rise to power was marked by a series of brutal campaigns to consolidate their control over territories and resources. They believed in a harsh, utilitarian approach to rebuilding society, where the ends always justified the means. Dissent within their ranks was not tolerated and was often met with swift and severe punishment. This iron-fisted rule extended to the territories under their control, where they imposed martial law, curfews, and a strict social order. The Coalition's leaders, known collectively as the "Iron Command," were unwavering in their vision of a new world order under their rule, a vision they were prepared to achieve by any means necessary.

One of the most chilling aspects of the Dominion Coalition was their approach to dealing with the mutated and the infected. Viewing them as threats to their vision of a new society, the Coalition embarked on a campaign to either exterminate or experiment upon these unfortunate beings. Their research facilities, often hidden in plain sight, were the sites of unspeakable horrors - a twisted mix of scientific inquiry and a quest for power. They believed that understanding and harnessing the mutations could lead to the creation of super-soldiers, an idea that drove much of their experimental endeavors.But it wasn't just the mutated that had to fear the Coalition. Any group or community that resisted their control was dealt with mercilessly. This included raids, forced conscriptions, and the razing of settlements. The message was clear: align with the Coalition's rule or face annihilation. Despite their tyranny, or perhaps because of it, the Coalition managed to bring a semblance of stability to certain regions. Some communities, weary of the constant threat of raiders and mutants, even welcomed their rule, preferring the devil they knew to the chaos outside.

Formation and Ideology

- Origin: The Dominion Coalition formed from the remnants of various military units, law enforcement agencies, and survivalist groups that survived the "Eclipse."- Belief System: They believe in a new world order, where strength and discipline are paramount. Their motto, "Order Through Strength," reflects their ideology that only through strict control and military might can civilization be rebuilt.- Leadership: Governed by a council of the highest-ranking officers, known as the "Iron Command." Each member of this council has proven themselves through ruthless efficiency and unwavering loyalty to the Coalition's cause.

Society and Structure

- Militaristic Hierarchy: The society is highly structured, resembling a military organization. Every individual has a rank, and promotions are based on merit—or more often, through demonstrating superiority and allegiance to the Coalition's ideals.- Citizen Roles: Non-military members have clearly defined roles, contributing to the Coalition's cause through labor, research, or other specialized skills. They live under strict regulations and constant surveillance.

Military Strength and Tactics

- Armed Forces: The Coalition boasts a formidable military, equipped with salvaged and improvised weaponry. They utilize a combination of brute force, advanced tactics, and relentless discipline.
- Expansion and Control: They are constantly expanding their territory, often clashing with other factions. Their methods are brutal, involving subjugation of other groups, forced conscription, and re-education for those they deem salvageable.

Dark Aspects

- Ruthless Policies: The Coalition is known for its harsh treatment of dissenters and those they consider weak. Labor camps, public executions, and other forms of repression are common.- Biological Experiments: In their quest for supremacy, the Coalition conducts experiments on mutants and even their own people, seeking to enhance human capabilities to create superior soldiers.

Iron Nomads

Originating from a disparate group of survivors - outlaw bikers, former gang members, and those who found the collapse of society an opportunity rather than a tragedy - the Iron Nomads evolved into something much more formidable and fearsome. They were drawn together by a shared desire for freedom, an aversion to the crumbling structures of the old world, and a need to survive in the new, harsh reality that the "Eclipse" had birthed.The Iron Nomads are more than just a band of raiders and scavengers; they are bound by a cult-like devotion to their own set of twisted ideals. Their philosophy is simple yet brutal: strength and freedom above all, with a staunch belief in the survival of the fittest. This creed has forged them into a tight-knit, fiercely loyal group, willing to follow their leaders into the heart of the storm. These leaders, often the strongest and most ruthless of the lot, command respect and obedience through displays of power and dominance. The Nomads see the post-apocalyptic world as their playground and battleground, where they can live out their anarchic fantasies without the constraints of a society they deemed weak and corrupt.

Life among the Iron Nomads is a perpetual ride on the edge. They roam the wastelands in their heavily modified vehicles - motorcycles, trucks, and makeshift armored transports. These vehicles are not just modes of transport; they are symbols of the Nomads' identity, each one personalized with trophies, war paint, and relics from their raids and battles. The roar of their engines and the sight of their convoys are enough to strike fear into the hearts of those who know of their reputation.This reputation is well-earned, built upon countless raids, skirmishes, and acts of savagery. The Iron Nomads are opportunists, preying on weaker settlements, caravans, and even other raider groups. Their attacks are swift and merciless, driven by a hunger for resources, a love for chaos, and a deep-seated disdain for any form of authority or control. Yet, within their own ranks, they follow a strict code - one that values bravery, strength, and loyalty. Betrayal within the Nomads is rare, and when it occurs, it is dealt with swiftly and brutally, a reminder to all of the price of disloyalty.They celebrate their victories with wild abandon, tell stories of their exploits around roaring fires, and mourn their dead with rites that speak to their deep-seated superstitions and beliefs.


- Origins: Arising from the ashes of the old world, the Iron Nomads are formed from a coalition of outlaw bikers, hardened criminals, and survival extremists. Their society evolved from the need to survive in the wasteland, adopting a nomadic lifestyle.- Appearance: The Iron Nomads are easily recognized by their heavily modified vehicles - a mix of motorcycles, trucks, and armored transports, all outfitted for desert survival and combat. They adorn themselves and their vehicles with symbols of their faction - skulls, fire motifs, and other intimidating imagery.

Culture and Beliefs

- Cult-Like Devotion: The Nomads are bound by a strict code that emphasizes strength, fearlessness, and loyalty to the group. They follow a charismatic leader, often seen as a prophet or demigod, who dictates their path and purpose.- Savage Rituals: Their society is steeped in brutal rituals, including combat trials, blood oaths, and sacrificial ceremonies to honor their fallen. These rituals serve to reinforce their unbreakable bond and ferocious reputation.

Social Structure and Lifestyle

- Hierarchy: The Iron Nomads have a rigid hierarchy, with the strongest and most ruthless members rising to positions of power. Their leader, known as the "Warlord," holds absolute authority.- Survival of the Fittest: Life among the Nomads is harsh, with resources scarce and disputes often settled through violence. Only the strongest and most cunning survive and thrive in this environment.

Warfare and Tactics

- Combat Style: The Iron Nomads are fearsome in battle, known for their hit-and-run tactics and relentless assaults. They strike quickly, using their mobility to their advantage, and show no mercy to their enemies.- Raiding and Pillaging: They sustain themselves primarily through raiding settlements, caravans, and other factions. They are adept at scavenging and repurposing materials from their conquests.

Reputation and Relations with Other Factions

- Feared and Reviled: The Iron Nomads are widely feared across the wasteland. Their reputation for brutality precedes them, making them a target for other factions while also ensuring that many choose to avoid direct confrontation.- Conflict with Dominion Coalition: They have a particularly intense rivalry with the Dominion Coalition, whose attempts to establish order and control are antithetical to the Nomads’ chaotic and free nature.



NAME: Ares MorganNICKNAME/ALIAS: AresAGE: Appears 35DATE OF BIRTH: October, ??GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, He/HimRACE/ETHNICITY: Nightwalker/AmericanFACTION Nightwalker


- Loyal
- Efficient
- Focused
- Disciplined
- Solitary
- Methodical
- Taciturn
- Observant
- Obsessive
- Detached
- Unemotional
- Inflexible


Ares doesn't recall who he was before the world fell into shadow, his memory wiped clean by the virus that transformed him. He was found wandering the outskirts of what was once Chicago by an Ancient, who saw potential in his empty slate. Under the Ancient's guidance, Ares became a formidable hunter, tracking down rogue mutants and human prey with equal dispassion. His obsessive tendencies made him exceptional in tracking and surveillance, a shadow that never ceased until his mission was complete.Operating out of the Nightwalkers' stronghold in the ruins of what was once a grand cathedral, he became a legend, a whisper on the wind that spelled death for those marked by the Nightwalkers. His obsessive tendencies served him well, allowing him to track his quarry with relentless precision. Each mission was a piece of art, executed flawlessly, leaving no trace but the ghostly echo of his presence. Yet, beneath his cold exterior, there was a void—an absence of self that no amount of hunting could fill. He was haunted by fragmented visions of a past life, echoes of laughter, and flashes of faces he felt he should know, but they slipped through his grasp like smoke.


HEIGHT: 6’2”WEIGHT: 180 lbs.HAIR: Snow-white, cropped close on the sides with a slightly longer top.EYES: Piercing silver.SCARS: None visible; his transformation healed old wounds.PIERCINGS: None.TATTOOS: Black-ink tribal marks swirling up his right arm.


POWERS / ABILITIES:- Enhanced Strength Ares possesses physical strength beyond human limits, allowing him to overpower his prey with ease.
- Enhanced Agility His agility is significantly heightened, enabling rapid and graceful navigation of treacherous terrains.
- Accelerated Healing Any injuries he sustains heal rapidly, preventing long-term disabilities and scars.
- Night Vision Ares can see perfectly in near-total darkness, a necessary adaptation for a creature of the night.
- Hypersensitive Hearing His sense of hearing is acutely sharp, detecting sounds that would be imperceptible to humans, ideal for hunting in silence.



NAME: Nathaniel DraykeNICKNAME/ALIAS: Nate, CommanderAGE: 42DATE OF BIRTH: July 18thGENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, He/HimRACE/ETHNICITY: Spanish AmericanFACTION Dominion Coalition


- Strategic
- Decisive
- Disciplined
- Confident
- Pragmatic
- Reserved
- Methodical
- Stoic
- Authoritarian
- Inflexible
- Ruthless
- Intolerant


Nathaniel Drayke was born into the legacy of the Dominion Coalition, his father being one of its founding members. Raised in the shadow of the Coalition's burgeoning power, Nathaniel quickly learned that power was taken, not given. He climbed the ranks through a combination of tactical brilliance and an uncompromising will to achieve his objectives. To Nathaniel, the Coalition's cause is absolute, and its dominance non-negotiable. His rise to power has been marked by a series of victories over both external adversaries and internal rivals. With each victory, his hunger for control has only grown, leading him to sometimes take extreme measures to maintain order and expand the Coalition's reach. Drayke’s name is both respected and feared within the Coalition, and his presence is enough to silence a room.


HEIGHT: 6’2”WEIGHT: 210 lbs.HAIR: Salt and pepper, kept shortEYES: Steel GreySCARS: None visiblePIERCINGS: None.TATTOOS: None


LEGACY:- Simon Drayke Nathaniel is the only son of Simon Drayke, one of the founding members of the Coalition and current General on the Iron Command.